Owners of G750 S5-MTI have written this article on portal Euro GA. It is an in-depth description why the owners have chosen to buy G750 and not any other aircraft.
The complete article can be found HERE
Quite a while back my flying buddy and I were looking at other options for aircraft. The Cirrus was becoming simply way too expensive just for the two of us; we wanted ideally something which was more economical, capable of minimum 120 Knots true in cruise and included a ‘chute and where you didn’t have to clamber over seats for ease of entry and egress. We started by considering ULs such as a VL3, a Shark or a Blackshape Prime but then we decided we didn’t want the hassles of weight & balance limitations of ULs, nor the potential issues of cross border travel if heading to (eg) UK or even France with a 600kg UL. It should also be capable of being flown by each of us comfortably – I’m the best part of 6’4″, my flying buddy is considerably smaller – so along with comfort, we wanted adjustable seats as a minimum. Also, we had flown a Pipistrel Virus and I was very cramped in it; we had also seen that this was fairly restricted with storage space on longer flights – you couldn’t access the baggage compartment in flight and there’s nowhere to really stow a coffee flask and / or 1.5L bottle of water.
I think we spent more than a year trawling through the various sites, considering different aircraft including experimentals such as Vans RV-9A, Alpi-Pioneer 400 – this thread was a gold mine for us when determining any potential pitfalls when delving into the realms of experimentals so a big thanks to this forum for that.
Earlier this year we saw an advert for a GoGetAir G750, being sold by the owner of the factory; GoGetAir is a Slovenian manufacturer. The plane was an original design by the owner of the factory and marketed as a One Aircraft – hence the ICAO nomenclature for this aircraft being ONE. However due to potential conflicts with the naming, the company rebranded itself GoGetAir a few years back. S5-MTI was their previous demonstrator, has a total of around 600 hours on it, at first glance it looks similar to a smaller Cirrus, albeit with centre stick and essentially ticks all the other boxes we wanted ticked. Some of you might have seen them exhibiting at the Aero this year, next year they expect to take two aircraft over to EAA (via container) which have already been sold.

We flew down to Zadar and met with the designer / factory owner – some times he is in Croatia, sometimes in Slovenia – and were pleasantly surprised to see that both of us had plenty of room inside, it has more room in cabin width than (eg) a P28A but not quite as much as in the Cirrus, however this was more than acceptable. Additionally, the aircraft could easily accommodate our different sizes due to having adjustable pedals and seats and finally, it’s a 4 seater, albeit the rear seats are designed specifically for kids – sort of like the rear seats of a Porsche 911.
For us, such a layout would be ideal because we could put our baggage in the lockable compartment in the back whilst placing refreshments on the rear seats to ensure that the “on board services” on our pan-European tours would be to a more satisfactory level. When looking at the wings etc, the more observant of you might notice that they bear more than a passing resemblance to those fitted to the Shark UL – this is because the owner of the factory had the Shark wings scaled up and indeed, the wings etc. are produced by Shark themselves.
The performance met what we were looking for – the aircraft is powered by a 912iS Sport engine (100hp, fuel injected) and will cruise at MCP burning 23l / h at 131Knots TAS, however the manufacturer said he typically cruised at 120knots burning around 14l an hour. With 138l tanks, the aircraft has a range of more than 9 hours or more than 1000NM – impressive. Typically the empty weights are around 400 – 440Kg with a maximum take off weight of 750kg but the manufacturer has tested the structure up to 800kg without issue.
What none of us liked – my flying partner, the aircraft manufacturer and I – was the fitted LX Nav eCopilot Glass cockpit. Aircraft manufacturers work together and LxNav wanted to enter into the Glass Cockpit foray hence they supplied this system to GoGetAir but unfortunately the concept was good but the implementation was – the firmware was intermittently being updated which would typically lead to additional issues which required further updates – as an example, at the time of our first test flight, LX had provided an update which crashed the fuel flow sensor readings. Additionally, they had been unable to integrate an autopilot into it. For me, with serious intents on long range cruising, I wanted a reliable glass cockpit and an autopilot.
We agreed to buy the aircraft once they had upgraded the cockpit, replacing the eCopilot with a Dynon Skyview HDX and installed the Dynon autopilot with both knob and button interfaces in order to offer auto trim. We also had Flarm / ADS-B traffic warnings integrated into the SkyView – previously, these were just shown on the Garmin 695 GPS. The updated cockpit now looks as below.

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